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Explore Nature Through Art: Plein Air Painting!

Spring Outdoor Class - April 17th - 21st

It’s time to do some plein air painting! So what do you do when it’s time to venture out beyond your yard? 

We at Falakarts believe that Artist’s job is to see what others don’t and to create beauty from mundane situations. If you can do that, you can make a painting almost anywhere.

During the 3rd week of APR’24, all Falakarts classes will be held at Mandalay Canal Walk at Las Colinas, 215 Mandalay Canal, Irving, TX 75039, United States and not in the studio, we do this once every year in spring so our young artists learn to see everything nature offers in an artsy way- textures, colors, lights, shadows, etc.

One of the most effective ways of developing students' artistic and creative skills is plein-air drawing, which contributes to developing necessary qualities such as observation skills, comprehensive perception of nature, creative thinking, and well-developed visual memory. 

The plein-air work develops skills of fast drawing, which is necessary for the future artist.

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